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A technician sits behind a laptop whilst filming a performance A technician sits behind a laptop whilst filming a performance

Online Performances

with keynote speaker

All work

We have adapted our interactive training performances and can now deliver them to large audiences online. These performances are designed to be used as a training resource with audiences of professionals/students and include integrated key notes from an expert guest speaker.

A technician sits behind a laptop whilst filming a performance

The guest speaker delivers lecture-style sessions in between the drama, which brings the theory around the training topic to life.

How Does it Work?

  • Audience members log into a group video meeting
  • A Geese facilitator hosts the call and introduces the performance
  • At key moments the facilitator pauses the performance, asks relevant questions and invites participants into ‘breakout room’ of smaller groups for a facilitated discussion
  • They’re then invited back into the larger group to continue watching the performance and guest speaker sessions

The performances currently available as online versions are:

  • “Fabulous! It was so refreshing to have time to think about how and why people behave as they do.”

    – Audience Member
  • “I thought the organisation of it was very good. The structure and the way the breakout rooms was done meant that the session flowed well. The performances were a great way of showing us examples of good practice.”

    – Audience Member
  • “I found it useful when people shared tips/feedback. Particularly in relation to how they are finding new ways of working during COVID. It’s always helpful to learn new tips and creative ideas from other teams and professionals you wouldn’t usually interact with.”

    – Audience Member
  • “The best online training session I have attended. Kept my attention throughout.”

    – Audience Member
  • “The way the training was delivered was great. It was still interactive and effective although completed virtually.”

    – Audience Member
  • “The performances and the breakout rooms helped me to reflect upon my previous practice, draw upon what I have learned on the course and helped me to reflect on how I can finely tune my practice to build better relationships and support the children and families that I will work with.”

    – Audience Member

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