From its inception in 2015, the Staging Recovery ensemble has developed into a group of highly creative and supportive individuals, coming together around three times a year to co-create performances with Geese practitioners, leading on theme, story, script and direction.
The ensemble is for people in recovery from a range of issues, including substance misuse, mental ill-health and homelessness.
The ensemble has performed as part of numerous conferences and festivals, as well as presenting their performances regularly at arts venues and in community spaces.
They have worked with Birmingham Royal Ballet and Fallen Angels Dance and created pieces for International Overdose Awareness Day and HMPPS Insights Festival.
We accept referrals from support agencies for individuals in a stable place on their recovery journey. They then attend a short foundation course, and if assessed as suitable, can then join the ensemble. Please note that we are currently closed for referrals. This page is updated regularly, so please check back for updates.
As mentioned above, Staging Recovery were invited to contribute to a film being created as part of International Overdose Awareness Day. The film, which brings together several arts and recovery organisations, can be seen here:
Funded by
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2015-17), Paul Hamlyn Foundation (2017-2020) and The Backstage Trust (2020- )