Reconnect is a three-day groupwork programme for up to 12 participants who are nearing release. Using performance, experiential exercises, skills practice role-play and Geese’s trademark metaphor of the mask, the participants explore issues connected with release and re-connecting with a life outside prison.
The course has been shown to contribute towards key areas for desistence from crime – increased agency, hope, motivation to change, resilience, trust and well-being and decreased impulsivity.
Participants have the opportunity to identify potential goals for the future and possible obstacles to those goals, rehearse strategies and skills for dealing with life on the outside and analyse potential high-risk situations for offending and non-offending alternatives.
Reconnect also enhances motivation to engage with other areas of education and training.
“It has made me more confident to resolve conflict because the situations we looked at reflected real life situations.”
– Participant
“Seeing the different masks made me realise that I had used them many times myself, but didn’t really notice till now.”
– Participant
“Great course. I would recommend that all prisoners do the course before they are released as it opens your eyes to disclosure and your wellbeing. It opens your eyes to other aspects of life outside prison. A very well run course with great structure and knowledge.”
– Participant
“It made me aware of how to disclose in the appropriate ways.”
– Participant
“It will make me think before acting.”
– Participant
“As a result of this project I want to make some changes in my life.”
– Participant
“Thank you. I have been able to open up to each of you and all have given great advice.”