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Thames Valley Police performance

In February of this year, Geese delivered an interactive performance as part of a Thames Valley Police (TVP) training event, focusing on domestic abuse.

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Working closely with commissioning staff, we developed a bespoke piece for front-line police officers and partner organisations, including local authority, education and third sector professionals.

The performance explored issues which had been flagged by TVP as key learning areas based on recent research and included the importance of professional curiosity, the need to avoid unconscious bias and the links between abuse within the home and extreme right-wing ideologies. It also shone a light on the experience of victims (adults and children) and the importance of listening to children and making sure their voice is central to investigations.

Senior Practitioner, Liz, talks to the audience during a performance

A key part of the performance were the interactive sections in which the audience were able to discuss what the characters on stage were experiencing and to advise the ‘professionals’ (police, housing, education) dealing with the cases explored.

The piece also went ‘behind closed doors’ so audience members could experience the traumatic realities, relationships and environments which may normally be ‘hidden’ to them in their professional roles.

We are always keen to have conversations with agencies or individuals who are interested in commissioning bespoke performances. If you have an idea you want to chat through, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • “I liked the use of masks to portray both the professional’s thoughts and that of the actual person/showing them as a real person not just the job they have.”

    – Participant
  • “It was really engaging and effective. It made me stop and think. I was moved by seeing the view of the child.”

    – Participant
  • “A positive way to engage the audience, realistic, memorable, thought-provoking.”

    – Participant
  • “Attended a great multi agency event today re: #DomesticAbuse I was utterly blown away by the brilliant & powerful @GeeseTheatre production.”

    – Participant

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