For many years, Geese has collaborated with commissioners to create training films for a wide range of professionals, including probation staff, judges, social work teams, forensic mental health professionals and agencies working in special areas such as sexual offending or domestic abuse.
Most recently, we have been involved in the production a of series of filmed scenarios for Emotion Coaching UK (ECUK). Below, we hear from Dr Louise Gilbert, ECUK Cofounder, regarding her recent experience with Geese:
“ECUK is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes Emotion Coaching (EC) training and research for practitioners working in schools and community settings. EC is one of 4, natural parenting styles for managing emotions.
EC training is a successful, evidence-based programme which relies on interactive and experiential learning opportunities. Having good quality and relevant resources is critical to practitioners’ ongoing learning, and we are thrilled that we have been able to work with the amazing Geese Theatre Company.
To date, Geese Theatre Company has created 2 new sets of videos, one set in a classroom in a secondary school and the other is a one-to-one between a young person and a practitioner. They illustrate how the 4 emotional styles can lead to differing interactions and outcomes for children and young people.
Watching and working with all those involved in making the video clips was fascinating and we’re really pleased the videos are proving to be popular with practitioners. They appear on our website for viewing and are available as a teaching/learning resource for practitioners. Below are some of the comments from Twitter and Linked-in.”
“These resources are amazing.”
Twitter user
“Fab new set of videos demonstrating the four different emotional styles in a secondary school context. I’ll be using these in upcoming EC training.”
Twitter user
“Thanks, these are great and so well produced…looking forward to using them.”
Linked-in user
Watch the full series of videos here.