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Liz and Ros play the Gamelans during Good Vibrations workshop A mosaic of images taken at NCJAA's annual event

‘Inspire: Sustainability in the arts and criminal justice sector’

At Rich Mix, 21st March 2023

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An image of a roller banner at the NCJAA event

On 21st March, Liz, Ros and Georgia attended the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance (NCJAA) ‘Inspire: Sustainability in the arts and criminal justice sector’, at Rich Mix in London. The festival was a celebration of Inspiring Futures, which is led by the NCJAA and is a unique collaboration bringing together leading arts in criminal justice organisations and the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Criminology.

Musicians stand on stage to take a bow

The day included panel discussions, performances, interactive workshops and screenings from organisations, artists and staff working in the sector. A highlight from the morning was the Irene Taylor Trust showcasing pieces from their ‘Lullaby Project’, in which they worked alongside parents in prison to create bespoke, personal lullabies for their children. Parents’ ideas are brought to life with help from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and their songs are recorded to give as gifts to their children.

Liz and Ros play the Gamelans during Good Vibrations workshop

In the afternoon, we took part in an interactive workshop with Good Vibrations, where we experienced the joy of playing traditional Indonesian Gamelans. The Gamelans used in the workshop are over 100 years old and are used within prison workshops around the country.

Ros sits on the panel alongside the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England

Following the workshop, Ros represented Geese for a panel discussion on financial sustainability. She was joined by the Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation for an insightful look into navigating the current climate and how organisations can diversify their funding streams. Ros’s inputs were referenced throughout the afternoon, highlighting the importance of adapting how you tell the stories of your work for different audiences and the need to be responsive and agile to remain resilient.

“It’s so important for everyone in an organisation to have the opportunity to share their skills and practice with others. This was a great day with lots of food for thought and essential time away from the day-to-day!”

Ros, Director of Funding and Partnerships

Read more about the Inspiring Futures project here.

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