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An image showing participants of the SIFA project receiving their certificates. An image showing participants of the SIFA project receiving their certificates.

Act Now update

delivered in partnership with SIFA Fireside.

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During December, we continued working on our three-year National Lottery funded project with SIFA Fireside. This strand of the project consisted of 6 creative sessions which enabled participants to look towards their futures with a positive outlook.

A mosaic of images showing participants of the SIFA project receiving their certificates.

Over the course of the sessions, the group had developed a strong relationship and towards the end of the project they were starting to meet up before sessions to have lunch together. Staff noted that it felt as though the sessions had created a community within SIFA.

The group were consistent with their attendance, which allowed the practitioners to enhance the creative experience for participants as they worked towards developing a final performance. The performance was well attended with 22 staff members watching! Participants thoroughly enjoyed performing and are looking forward to the project continuing later on in 2023.

One participant explained that this project had given him “purpose again”. The oldest participant, who is in his 80s, said it was great to “try something new” and he hopes to continue exploring his creativity in the future. A younger member of the group expressed that the project had allowed him to get to know new people, who he otherwise would not have spoken to.

Thanks to generous funding from the National Lottery Community Fund 

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