We have concluded the second year of Act Now, delivered in partnership with SIFA Fireside and supported by The National Lottery Community Fund. The latest project consisted of 9 creative sessions in which participants devised, scripted, performed and filmed “Archie’s Choice”, with the support of Geese’s Senior Practitioner, Dave and Practitioner Team Manager, Emma.

‘Archie’s Choice’ was premiered at SIFA Fireside. Amongst the audience were those who created the film and their peers, as well as staff from both SIFA Fireside and Geese. One participant described the film as “delivering magic with a message”.

Dave explains, “The Act Now crew are always a pleasure to work with. After 2 years of creating theatre, we decided to try making a film together. The group was a mixture of people we have been working with for two years and brand-new starters. As the ensemble is so friendly and inclusive, we were able to get to work creating ‘Archie’s Choice’ straight away. The group became a full production company taking on roles like writer, actor, director and cameraman. We are all really proud of the film they created, not only is it funny and entertaining but it also explored some real-life issues that our audience connected with. A huge thanks to everyone at SIFA for helping us create ‘Archie’s Choice’ and the National Lottery for funding this vital work in Birmingham.’’