Interactive Performances for Service Users

Most of our performances are interactive and designed to challenge, provoke debate and raise awareness around specific issues. They are structured to include audience discussion and allow audience members to advise or interact with characters on stage. They also make use of the concept of mask as ‘front’ or coping strategy and audiences may encourage characters to ‘lift their masks’ to reveal thoughts and feelings which are often hidden.
Although we have a large repertoire of ‘off the peg’ pieces which explore issues such as violence reduction, safer custody, engagement with treatment and negotiating services in the community, we also create ‘bespoke’ pieces which are written in close consultation with the commissioning organisation.

We also have a number of pieces which are stylistically distinct from these interactive pieces. Examples are:
Previous which focuses on three men in a cell. It explores the impact that telling their own stories has on each of them. The men, often unwittingly, challenge each other’s perceptions of the roles they have played in their lives and the impact this has had on the people close to them.
Stay which is a piece about domestic abuse. The performance provides a challenging insight into the cycle of abuse, the attitudes and beliefs which support it and the impact of these on women and children. It is aimed at men who are involved in domestic abuse programmes.
Fear of Flying which is designed for drug and alcohol recovery communities. It explores the challenges and achievements of three contrasting recovery journeys through the rich metaphorical world of flight.