In October our CEO, Andy, attended the first ever in-person More Than A Moment (MTAM) Summit! Geese is a signatory to the MTAM pledge. The pledge is the West Midlands arts sector’s promise to take radical, bold, and immediate action, to dismantle the systems that have for too long kept Black artists and creatives from achieving their potential in the arts and cultural industries. Signing this pledge has been a focal point in Geese’s commitment to anti-racism.

This year, the Summit saw creatives from arts organisations across the West Midlands gather together to strategise, network and explore systems change. The day featured talks and performances from Black creatives, offering attendees the opportunity to share, learn and create.
“The More Than a Moment Summit was inspiring, motivating, provocative and challenging in equal measure. A powerful reminder of the importance of ensuring that our commitment to the More than a Moment pledge remains high up on our agenda.”
– Andy, CEO, Geese Theatre Company
Follow More Than A Moment on Twitter for updates on their work: @MTAM_WM
Read more about Geese’s commitment to anti-racist practice here.