A brand new training performance exploring the theme of Parental Conflict designed for social care, health, mental health and education professionals, police and others who work with children.
According to the Government, “there is strong evidence that conflict between parents – whether together or separated – can have a significant negative impact on children’s mental health and long-term life chances.” This performance, originally commissioned by Birmingham Children’s Trust and funded by the DWP, follows two fictional families and explores some of the issues which exacerbate parental conflict (financial worries, unemployment, COVID 19) and the differences between parental conflict and domestic abuse. The two contrasting stories powerfully depict the effects of destructive conflict on children, whether parents are living together or apart. The piece asks the audience to consider how professionals can help parents understand their children’s needs and manage conflict constructively.
Delivered during April and May 2022, the training has received amazing feedback:
You can find out more about Conflict Zone here.